Sunday 19 May 2013

Web Design Software Development

Lava Infotech is an E-Commerce web design company with a strong presence in software development,SEO and Content Development. Our applications make use of HTML, Java, PHP, .NET, Joomla, Drupal,WordPress, Magento, and other latest technologies to create client friendly resources.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Is Web Application the Best Choice of Future?

When one hears of web based applications, we wonder, what are they exactly? They are actually applications which are used either over the Internet or Intranet. In other words, web applications are applications which are used over a network. Sometimes, the term can also be used for applications hosted on a web browser controlled environment. Browser supported languages can also be used to
build web applications.
Advantages of Web Based Applications
• Web based applications can be use far and wide
• Some examples of web based applications are webmail, auctions, shopping online etc.
• They are convenient to use from all over the world People can access them from anywhere 24 hours a day, 365 days an year
• These applications are low or zero on maintenance and installation costs
• Heavy backups as in desktop applications is not required
• Web applications are cost-effective and do not occupy space on desktop
• Multiple browsers like Mozilla, Google Chrome etc. can be sued to access these applications
• Up-gradation of the application is not required as the application is always up-to-date
• User training is not required in web based applications which is mandatory in desktop applications
• Users can learn at their own pace to learn or use the application
• They need to be deployed only once on domain whereas desktop applications have to be installed on each system separately
On the flip side of web based applications, the disadvantages one faces are the connectivity issues like Internet may be slow or not connected and the application cannot be accessed. Compared to desktop applications web application development takes longer. Security too is less in these applications as they can be accessed from anywhere by anybody around the world. Hacking is easier in web applications
Every software application comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is for the end user to decide what suits him the best to take a call on the development of the suitable software. Standalone applications were the first too be used until deploying on web browsers came into existence. The advent of Ecommerce and all other online selling websites with shopping carts have made web applications very popular. All said and done the future seems to be lying more in Internet based applications as the world has become a global village.

Sunday 24 March 2013

How to Select the Best Web Application Development

Web application development has come a long way since the advent of Internet. Websites with simple or no major technologies are now out dates and web presence with a technology incorporated have become the most opted for. Web application has become easier than before with technologies offering various frameworks that make web application development easier.
It is very important for a developer to first understand the scope of the web application before venturing into the development. To understand the scope, a developer should have inputs from the clients as to why the application was being developed, who the target users were and what is the outcome expected of the application. Having these details helps the developer write programs in a certain way to help client reap complete benefits of the application.
Web Application development companies are in galore with teams of developers working on application development. However it takes a shrewd client to identify who is suitable by observing the developer’s previous work, their team and their capacity to deliver what is expected of them. Software development has taken larger connotations with many areas being included in the domain. It is interesting to note where all software has come to be used today. Even the smallest of departmental stores to biggest of hospitals and offices choose software to streamline their work.
Both software application as in desktop applications and web applications have come a long way and can be developed to suit the customer’s particular requirements. It would be better a client chooses to get his application developed from scratch than going for a readily available software which is usually
customizes to suit his needs. Since is a plethora of applications available in the market, it does confuse a user to identify what he requires. The best way to select a web application or desktop application is by identifying the right software development company and sits and chalks out the course of action. This method definitely can ensure that the money spent of the software is use optimally. The success rate is custom developed applications is almost 100% while compared to ready-made applications.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Web Application Development

Lava Infotech handles web applications that are world apart in terms of technical difficulty and security reasons. Each application goes through a definite process to fit the clients' business requirements.

Monday 11 March 2013

Web Design Development and Scope

A web design begins with a vision. Transferring that vision to web presence requires a good web design company to draft, analyze and develop. Websites have become visiting cards to any company’s online existence.
However, how does one begin at all? You may have a vision but how do you locate a web design company that can translate your vision to reality? There is a hard and fast rule to decide this. Companies with good standing and experience are not difficult to locate. Searching for web design companies online through keywords is the most popular methods.
Once you decide on the company it is worth your while discussing at length with them on the tools and technologies they might use in developing this website. It might be useful to understand the web tools etc. yourself along with understanding the budget. Once you settle on all these it would be better to leave things to the developing company to give you a website.
It would be better if you considered what you wish to accomplish through the website; make clear what you want to communicate to your target audience; Finally what are your online marketing strategies to popularize your website. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the online marketing techniques that fetch high returns. SEO is a daily process that involves on page optimization and off page optimizations. SEO companies provide this for a cost and popularize your site.
Often there comes a higher level of web development demanding web application development companies that can cater to your requirement. It is important to decide the scope of the website before even conjuring help to start the design. The deeper the explanation of the scope and software requirement, the easier it is for the design companies to give you accurate results.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Use Optimal URL for E-Commerce Websites

Online business has become the in thing today with many businesses opting to increase their online sales and visibility. Ecommerce websites cater to online business of various types. There are websites that sell the simplest of products like mobile phones to websites that sell services ranging from simple to financial related. Any ecommerce platform hosting a site has specific URL structure that in turn has animpact on a site’s search engine optimization. URLs are created following rules specific to each platform.
It is worth observing why URLs are modified. These URLs are static and often are rewritten to solve issues posed by crawlers for search engines. Dynamic URLs and parameters in static pages are better avoided. Clean and pretty URLs are welcome with dashes instead of spaces and underscores. Relevant keywords in URL are workable but cannibalization is unwelcome. URLS should give users a fair clue as to what the pages hold. URLS are better crawled when shortened.
Complex URLs with lot of folders and parameters do not allow an ecommerce website to be indexed by the search engines. Flow of organic traffic through search engines is almost zero in such URLs. The most popular search engines like Google and Bing prefer optimal URLs. Keywords and descriptive words in URLS give search engine another algorithmic insight. Optimal URLs are short, static, relevant and unique and are highest in relevancy factor.
Both from SEO point of view and customers, a URL can make or break the way an ecommerce website generates revenue. Search valuable attributes could be incorporated into the URL to optimize performance.
A good Search engine optimization services company can determine how to optimize URLs for eCommerce websites. Taking help of these services is much more profitable than leaving the website to mercy of whims and fancies. A qualified optimizer can decide on the way your site could be optimized to churn the revenues only online business can make.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Confessions of a Web Developer

As a web developer in PHP I have started having numerous enquiries to build E-commerce websites. While I do enjoy my status as a sought after web developer, I dislike when people call an E-commerce application as a mere website. I even meet people who intend doing business online with E-commerce sites and tell me they do not require any back end. I urge to tell all those aspirants that business online with E-commerce site is an application that has a complete back end functionality which reflects the transactions on the front end.
I would like to give a clear picture to people aiming for E-commerce sites that it is a web application that deserves its worth. Though the beginning certainly is in design, users are not limited to only viewing but visit your site to buy online. Software development companies and web application development companies take pride in developing the online buy and sell features which to normal people appear as websites.
A normal E-commerce platform requires to be developed in PHP, Java or .Net technologies with a functional front end and an easy to use look. A thorough research should be done by the developers and the client what will suit them best along with the technology.
It would be best for people seeking E-commerce development to make a revenue generation plan and choose keywords that can allow the site to reach the first page of Google search. Software development companies have a set of policies to enhance the entire user experience.Given today’s Internet usage scenario, E-commerce is a viable solution to shopping problems. It can do away with long lines, waiting time, and other physical discomforts to choose in shopping
complexes and malls. Online shopping gives the ease to select from the comfort of home.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Importance of Software Development Life Cycle

Software development companies follow a process while developing software products or application.There are different types of structured models for software development. This process is known as Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The process begins by analyzing user requirements, designing the program, coding the program, testing and documenting and finally maintaining the software or application.
Like any other set of industrial products, software products are also concerned with the customer.The products are either market driven or they drive the market. All web application development or software development today is a byproduct of customer or user friendly development with customer co-creating the product.
Starting with the market research, software development companies define customer’s need. Pre-defined need, possibilities and potential are studied carefully and a lot of assumptions are taken into consideration to come to a conclusion. Though assumptions are abstract, they are crucial factors in the development or inception of a product’s development. A cost-effective system is then conceptualized to solve the customer’s needs in a manner which both satisfies the customer and is better than what the competitor uses.
Some very popular software products are used in schools, hospitals,colleges, institutions, super markets, bus stations, railway stations, financial institutions, and so on. Some very popular web applications are E-commerce web applications that cater to a large number of visitors by offering sale of products online.
Once the software is ready, companies launch it and sell to customers who have need to set up and use them. Such customers are then asked for feedback which is given to developers for a further refinement and make possible value additions to the product. Some software development companies have in-house development for end to end functionality and some do not. Those who do not have outsource some activities to other companies.
India is a hot favorite for software and web based application development. There are many factors to this and some of them are low cost, high technical know-how, large market segment providing these facilities etc. Booming market for software has emboldened otherwise traditional industry set up to change and take on the world at their game.