Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Have You Optimized Your Website Lately?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO can help your website accomplish reaching the first page of Google searches and gets you more traffic. Internet marketing is a useful tool for those businesses which are really active on the Internet and make it big through Internet. Business enquiries pour in after a point of time when SEO is in place and converting them to actual revenue is your call. SEO can do wonders to your business. However, every good thing in life takes time and so does SEO. Do not expect results within a month or two. Expect good results after six months and great results after an year.
It would be better to start optimizing your website in the rudimentary stages. If you are planning to have a new website or redoing the existing one then it would be a great idea to start a new design with SEO in place. Web Designers often follow the finer points of optimization but having an SEO look into the onsite aspect would fetch higher points. Ideally a new website should begin SEO first optimizing the design and then growing from there. But, what if an existing website chooses SEO? Then the optimizer can ensure that the design is optimized by using onsite techniques.
Navigation should be easy in a website with no broken links in the URL. Making use of Webmaster Tools by Google is a useful exercise along with the use of Google analytics. Using the URL in visible places and having unique and accurate page titles, is yet another aspect of good SEO. Blogging, commenting on blogs, forum posting, and video commenting are all good ways to build visibility and back links. Having a resource page with back links listed makes you score some more brownie points. Images in the website cannot be read by a Crawler and these should be optimized by giving Alt attribute to the images.
Above all the techniques in SEO is fresh content. Content is for users and not search engines and hence should target the readers primarily. Keywords though are useful for crawling, they should not be used in high numbers would only annoy your visitor and he may change his mind from staying on the website for longer. After all holding the visitor on your pages is the most important factor to your business. In any case all other techniques can contribute to a crawler’s use.

Friday, 17 February 2012

SEO can help Position your Website in the First Page

Web designs and applications have many purposes serving differently to different businesses. A simple web design is usually developed in HTML. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) has gone through metamorphosis since it began its journey in the World Wide Web. HTML5 is a search friendly application that enables the website’s visibility to visitors in their search with specific keywords. Search engines cannot see or appreciate the images on website. It is content and content only that is interpreted by search engines when they crawl the web. To get visibility or to be displayed in the results there are certain critical factors that should be taken care of by the web developers.

Content is crucial to any website to be listed in the search engines. Of course plain content is visible to us but HTML text format should be used to allow search engines to decipher. Plain content is understood by crawlers and it should be in tags. Search engines do not understand images, flash files, java applets and non text content. However much crawling technology may advance non text content cannot be deciphered by crawlers. To ensure visibility to crawlers, content must be given importance. Images can be given “alt attributes” in HTML which will in turn provide text to search engines.

Creating web designs that not just appeal to eye but include all search engine friendly options to ensure a faster way to index and appear in search engine ranking. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in itself is a wholesome way to make your web presence felt. If you aspire to reach the first page of search rankings then be prepared for the toil you have to put in. Alternately you may outsource the SEO work to a company that specializes in the area. It is an ongoing activity that has a many aspects to attract traffic and appear in the first page of search engine rankings.

There is no one rule for all search engines. Some engines may index some pages more and others some other pages. So it is difficult to explain why a particular page is indexed or why so many or so few pages are indexed. Search engines depend on links for ranking. Internal linking explains to search engines what each page contains in terms of content. If there are more clicks for a particular keyword in your favor, search engines may pull down a more popular site with less clicks from visitors.

web designs resplendent in search engine optimization definitely can rank better than those that are not optimized.

Friday, 3 February 2012

SEO Web Designs Attract More Traffic

The basic objective of a website is to attract visitors to the website. But a search engine friendly website is more popular than the regular one. Web designers are required to have basic knowledge of search engine optimization techniques. The more the knowledge of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)s, the more the web designers’ bargaining capacity.
Though companies do not create websites for search engines, it is worth their money if the web designers follow SEO guidelines. Utmost importance should be given to the human element of a website. It is a known fact that websites are designed or programmed for human beings. Hence an SEO website should be user friendly or searcher friendly. The design is meant for a searcher and not for an inhuman engine. Then how to design a website that is both attractive to eyes, friendly to use and promotes searches organically?
The idea of search engines is to reach the right destination quickly. The humans who design and maintain these search engines follow this precisely. The value add of a search engine is to deliver the user to relevant site by a click of a mouse. There are five major points that a web designing company should look for:
• Web sites should be easy to read and comprehend, otherwise visitors do not stay on the page

• Navigation should be easy from one page to other

• People often search for particular pages with particular information so your page should be easy to locate

• The look of the website should be one of reliable layout and design

• The most important point: people do not have time to wait for the pages to download; a website should be fast to download
The study of web designing and SEO is like exploring the ocean. The study of SEO shows that crawlers index text. Keywords placed rightly in the text in the concerned page are indexed fast. Internal linking is especially an issue for search engines. Search engines find the popularity of a particular site by following the external links of the website. There should be a clear sitemap and resources page to indicate both the pages on the site and the external links of the website.
If a user has not found what the website is all about in 8 seconds then there is something wrong with the design, layout or content. Placing keywords at right places increases the SEO value of a website design. Many software development companies are opting for web designing based on SEO. Even Web Application Development is poised for a pleasant change by following SEO guidelines to allow their web applications to be ranked high in searches.